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Lecturer Assistant: 
Year:  2018
Place: Tel Aviv University, Engineering Department. 


The data mining field has been gaining momentum in recent years. The big challenge is in developing Artificial Intelligence to where it can analyze huge data bases and automatically produce insights from them. We are developing a new tool for data mining with a new language of mathematics.

This new language of mathematics was created by looking at mathematics as one organic whole (in accordance with the vision put forward by David Hilbert at the conclusion of his famous lecture in Paris, in the year 1900). This is a constitutive example of data mining implemented in math. For this purpose, we suggest developing a new system of coordinates that connects the local to the global in a natural manner.

Soft logic, which will be presented in the course, is a language that enables expressing numerous possibilities. We will learn how the model forms the basis for decision making and for integrating humans in complex systems (such as in a smart city and more).


  • The basic principles of data mining

  • An approach that views the language of mathematics as an organic whole

  • The basic assumptions and axioms of Soft logic

  • Soft numbers and construction of a new system of coordinates

  • The algebra of the sphere of Soft numbers

  • The algebra of Soft numbers

  • Presentation of differential and integral calculus without limits

  • Presentation of points on a Mobius Strip

  • Integration of humans and decision making in complex systems

  • Ideas for continuing research in non-commutative and chiral systems, integration of man and cyber.


The course will include 3 exercises in which the mathematical knowledge learned in the course will be applied. There will also be one assignment that will be submitted, which will constitute a summary of the course and an examination of the relevancy of the knowledge learned in the course to a subject chosen by the student.

Prior requirements (if any)


Reading list

  1. Dascal M. (Ed.), Leibniz: What Kind of Rationalist? Logic, Epistemology, and the Unity of Science, Vol. 13, Springer Netherlands, 2008

  2. Klein, M. and Maimon, O., The mathematics of soft logic,  ICAIR (International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Robotics) Proceedings, August 2016

  3. Klein, M. and  Maimon, O.,  Developing soft logic in kindergarten,  to be published at Literature and Arts Review (ISSN 2517-9446, USA), October 2016

  4. Klein, M. and Maimon, Soft Logic and Soft Numbers, International Interdisciplinary Conference on Conflict Communication Body Proceedings, to be published in 2017

  5. Maimon, O., Consciousness –the fifth dimension, presented at the conference: Theory of Consciousness, Arizona, April 2016.

  6. Spencer-Brown, G., Laws of Form, New York: E. P. Dutton, 1969

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