Lecturer Assistant:
Year: 2019
Place: Tel Aviv University, Engineering Department.
As part of Koret Foundation Digital Living 2030 Project the IE Department at Tel Aviv University has established a new graduate course with this name. The course taught the mathematical backbone of the DL2030 logic. The course also hosted several professors and professionals active in the project that presented their research in smart cities, privacy issues, advanced transportation, virtual reality, and new medical directions.
In the year 2030 people will actually live in two worlds simultaneously, a composed reality
On one hand the cyber (virtual, digital) dimension (digital data based); and on the other hand, the real existing dimensions as we know them (7 dimensions: xyz, 3
moments and time)
The cyber dimension has different properties (in physics, biology, etc.), and life will be in both worlds, including a new type of intimate interaction between them
We term the logic that arise from the composed reality as Digital Living Logic (DLL)
The basic elements of this logic are states (also termed Bridge Numbers - BN), which have two components (one in the cyber and one in the real world)
The target of the course is to teach new methodology such as DLL and present important applications.
Program of the course
The Foundation of DLL logic - Prof. Oded maimon
Soft logic - Dr. Moshe Klein
A look at the Human side of Smart cities – Prof. Joachim Meyer
Privacy in the digital age – Lawyer Dan Hai
The development of public transportation - Dr. Tal Raviv
Two sides of epidemic - Dr. Dan Yamin
Curiosity of Robots - Dr. Goren Gordon
To built the impossible VR - Engineer Tom Ben Yeuda
Networks and structure - Dr. Erez Shmueli