The emergence of the New science of Consciousness
Who we are and what we are doing?
Studying consciousness is one of the most fascinating and exciting next frontiers in science. Members of the lab reflect the true interdisciplinary nature of consciousness research, fusing exact sciences with humanities (third person and first person). We are a group of distinguished scientists (including Nobel laureates) from Mathematics, Physics, Engineering and AI, Biology and brain science, Religious studies, Philosophy and Psychology. We are dedicated and passionate about creating the new science of consciousness for dramatically improving the wellbeing of humanity and the environment.
Humanity now actually lives in two worlds simultaneously, a composed reality: On the one hand the cyber (virtual, digital) dimension, and on the other hand the real existing natural dimensions, as we know them (seven dimensions: xyz, three moments and time). The cyber dimension has different properties (in physics, biology, etc.) than the real world, as we have known it for many years. Life co-exist in both worlds, including a new type of intimate interaction between them, outside and inside us.
We are investigating the processes that occur in the composed reality, model the fundamental properties and research the emerging mathematical logic. We termed the logic that arises from the composed reality as Soft Logic. This is one of the main projects in the lab, which we initiated from the beginning. Other projects include music as a dialogue and empathy among people, researching ceremonies’ effects on the individual and the community, and directly discussing consciousness for the individual and the environment, in practice and theory.
What is our motivation?
Some of the research activities in the lab include the fusion of the inner (internal) personal processes fused with the outer world events (measurable). Another major project involves studying ceremonies’ effect on the lives of human beings. Other projects in the lab are detailed in this web site.
The basic elements of this logic are states (also termed soft numbers for now), which have two components modeling for example one inner and one outside us, or one in the cyber and one in the real world. We are investigating the basic mathematical properties of these soft numbers such as algebra, calculus, geometry, analytics and dynamics of the DL (Digital Living states), and the bridge between the two worlds. Then we plan to represent and model the applications that will arise in the composed reality (such as in smart cities, transportation, medicine), and analyze the model.
This study is fundamental to the arising of new science (and philosophy), and societies that will live in the composed reality. We propose that DL2030 (Stanford-TAU joint research team) means that the basic assumptions of science and ecosystems should be re-examined and adapted to the new evolving composed reality. For people born after 2010 (the smartphone era) this composed reality will be natural. The rest of us feel the effect and use the cyber (digital) space, but are effectively immigrant to the composed reality, and evolving into it, faster or slower.
We explore the processes in the new dimensions and the integration of both worlds (virtual and real), which also depends on the order of the operation (hence a non-commutative structure).